A totally new team sport does not break onto the scene but once in several decades — but here is a very inclusive one for men and women (ages 10 and above) ranging in levels of appeal from casual recreational family fun to highly competitive league play. And in time and with resources and developmental know–how beyond the present scope of Taylor Sports, ICE SOCCER has the ultimate potential of franchised professional play.
As ICE SOCCER progresses through the sequence of new sports development, several things will happen:
- people will come to understand the sport and want to play it
- ice rink owners will see its advantages, arrange for it to be played in their facilities, and will assure that it is introduced properly ... to succeed
- it will gain publicity/media coverage and thus generate further interest
- municipalities with city–owned ice rinks will add ICE SOCCER to their recreation programs
- sports insurance policies will add ICE SOCCER as a rider to existing policies
- noted organizations (i.e. Boy/Girls Scouts, YM/YWCA, 4–H, PAL, Military, etc.) will adopt it as an ongoing activity for their members
- schools will offer it as an intramural and/or club sport; corporations with recreation/fitness programs will do the same
- inter–scholastic and inter–city tournaments and playoffs will follow
- varsity, travel, semi–professional and professional league teams will be formed
Little League, NCAA Tournament and FIFA formatting are likely in this progression.
Of course to attain this goal of professional–team status, ICE SOCCER must garner a significant level of support from influential people/organizations:
- Local businesspeople will sponsor teams, and with local donors, will offset some of the cost of ice time for players. Rink owners will dedicate specific hours for ICE SOCCER.
- Partnerships with companies, endorsements from celebrities and resources from foundations, philanthropists and investors will be necessary.
- Publicity, influential contacts and professional sports development assistance are also essential to progress through the above steps.
Any of these contributions will fast–track this roll–out.
People who want to help introduce a new team sport to the world and share the belief that ICE SOCCER is a good one to support will make this goal a reality. Any assistance along this journey will be appreciated.
Click on each of the following for envisioned:
Current Roll–Out Phase (Local format for community start–up)
International amateur playoff for a WISA* "world series" (Little League Baseball format for organized play/eliminations within cities/countries)
International professional franchised league playoff for a WISA* "world cup" (FIFA format for organized play/eliminations within regional leagues)
* WISA is the to–be–established "World ICE SOCCER Association"